Thread: Corona Virus.
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Re: Corona Virus. - April 2nd 2020, 05:25 AM

I think part of the issue has to do with the information that was shared at the beginning.

I remember when this was first effecting just China mainly, it was talked about how it was mainly effecting elderly. And that young people weren't getting as sick. But now that it is spreading to other countries and they are learning more, they are realizing that information is WRONG.

And I'm noticing people haven't been paying attention to the new info. And I notice it mostly by paying attention to college students, and I am in no way bias against college students. But the story of the group of college students who continued to have spring break on a beach in Florida, and over half of them have now tested positive. And more and more stories like that are showing up. I've heard stories from my own city, I live in a small city with technically 3 colleges in the area. And people are sharing stories of seeing groups of college students who stayed here, all still hanging out and taking pictures together as large groups.

My boyfriend lives in the next state over from me, and because of us not being together, and the fact he is still working and lives with his parents who are both high risk. I pay attention to the news from his area. And the state daily puts out demographics of how many of the positive tests are in which age group. Over 40% of them in his state are in the 20-45 age group. But with the majority of the deaths and hospitalizations in the 65+ age demographic. I know in my state, which has the highest numbers in the US. The demographics are similar. My brother and sister-in-law who both have it? Both early 30s.

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