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Re: Corona Virus. -
April 1st 2020, 05:34 PM
Originally Posted by .:Bibliophile:.
My city has 43 last time I checked. We had a pretty big spike on Saturday. I know they have said that my city has yet to hit it's peak which is quite scary. I am trying to figure out the best way to get groceries delivered and I won't be going out for some time. I have family who is considered high risk and they are still having to go to work. It's quite scary and I worry about them but there isn't much that I can do so I just have to wait it out and hope for the best.
I am so sorry to hear that your loved ones are at risk and having to go into work through all this. I know it's not much, but I will keep you all in my thoughts. Sending strength and warmth.
Originally Posted by Resilient Pumpkin
I work in West Virginia and I am an essential worker. This is all going to get worse before it gets better. My employer is actually paying a few of us staff member to actually STAY in the facility I work at because we have residents that live there. If you can't stay, too bad. You get laid off. I'm working on packing my bags and getting all my toiletries that I need. This virus is getting bad. The CEO told us to expect to be staying at least a month if not more. Nobody in, nobody out. Total lock down.
Wow, that is scary! Thank you so much for the work that you're doing. That can't be easy by any means. Sending strength, even though I know it's not much right now. 
Originally Posted by eaty
My county is up to 76 cases.
One of which is my sister-in-law who was confirmed positive over the weekend. My brother was never tested, but he was also sick and the only person she has been around for the last month so she must have gotten it from him. The hardest thing right now is that my brother's birthday is on Friday, and we can't go over and celebrate with him. And it isn't possible for us to get any presents for him. Its rough.
I know two people who were tested and came back negative. As well as a co-worker of my boyfriend. And we also have a family friend who has been tested, has all the symptoms, but hasn't confirmed anywhere what the results were.
Driving around my area reminds me of traveling on Christmas or Thanksgiving, the traffic is so light because almost everything is closed. Yesterday I drove by the major testing site in my city, and it was one of those moments of realizing how real this is. Because when you stay home, you only really see stuff online and hear the news. But seeing things like that for yourself is different.
So sorry to hear all this. <3 I wish you and your family continued health, and I hope your sister-in-law recovers quickly. I completely agree... I went for a short walk around my neighborhood yesterday and it was eerie to see how quiet the street was.
Originally Posted by Everglow.
The amount of deaths in the UK is worrying for me. The youngest person confirmed so far was a 13 year old today and it wasn't very far away from where I live. London's pretty bad, with the most cases in the UK. Some people yesterday were saying the current restrictions could last 6 months.
So sad. I know we've had one or two infants here pass away from the virus, as well as a 17-year-old kid from California. I find it very worrying as well. <3
Hope everyone is doing okay. I'm definitely having a hard time with it all myself. Hanging in there, though. Trying to find ways to relax. I will keep all of you in my thoughts and wish everybody the best. <3