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Girlfromplanetmars Offline
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Name: Jenna
Age: 17
Gender: Female

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Join Date: February 28th 2018

Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - March 23rd 2020, 09:14 AM

Riley, I love you so much.
I mean, you're so smart. You got a 90% on that test that almost everyone got a bad grade on. Even Wendy, the class genius, only got an 88%.
And you're actually really pretty. I mean, okay, you might think your smile is weird, but your natural one is really pretty. And you have nice eyes. I know you think they're a weird color, but I don't think so.
And you're so, so nice. I mean, you literally helped me through EVERY single fight I had with friends, and when I cried over getting a C once, you were there to help me. I love you so much, you're so caring and nice.
I know you're falling apart. I don't know if you can see how obvious it is. You're always putting yourself down, and I saw that drawing you did and it broke my heart. Okay, so just know that even if your parents don't like you and you're getting cyberbullied, you're still an amazing person. I know these words probably won't help if I ever say them, but I just hope that something magically happens. I hope it makes your parents accept you and stop yelling at you and stop hitting you and calling you everything mean. I hope it makes that idiot stop cyberbullying you. I hope it shuts up that voice inside your head that tells you that you're ugly and fat and dumb and an idiot and a failure and a mistake.
But I can't make anything magical happen and I'm sorry.
I'm sorry, Riley.
I'm so, so, sorry.
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