What are you proud of? -
January 6th 2020, 12:25 AM
I was just watching a video of people reading what strangers are most ashamed of. We all end up focusing on negativity more than positivity, which is why it got me thinking, 'What am I proud of?'.
I'm proud of pushing myself out of my comfort zone and going to university.
I'm proud of pushing myself to talk to people despite my social anxiety.
I'm proud of the fact I managed to survive university with a first class honours despite my final year being quite possibly the hardest, and most difficult time of my life in so many years.
I'm proud that I pushed myself for 6 months, despite my ups and downs, working towards getting a job as a personal trainer, because if university taught me one thing, it's that I love physical activity. I want to be able to pass on all that I've learnt to many others, and improve their health, lifestyle, and confidence, whilst empowering them in a way I never got to.
What are you proud of?