Par la rivière
I've been here a while ********
Name: Sarah
Age: 33
Gender: Female
Location: Wales, UK.
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Join Date: June 7th 2013
Re: Happy holidays from TeenHelp! -
January 2nd 2020, 12:56 AM
To be honest, I think TeenHelp is the only community I feel connected to. It's like a second home to me. I come where to get away from life's troubles. I can complain, or say whatever I need to say, and any responses I get are judgement-free... which is all I've ever really wanted. There's no negativity or toxic attitudes, only positivity and care. I've been on other forums, but there's nothing quite like TH. This is often why I stay here.
In terms of my local community, I don't feel connected to it at all. It's often filled with negativity, judgement... and a lot of crime. It's not a place I can feel safe, or feel that I can be myself. There's often a lot of anti-social behaviour that just makes me go, 'eeeee!'. It's not safe at night, nor during the day. I think this is also part of the reason why I became interested in fitness so much. When I started seeing results in my own body, I started to feel stronger, more confident, and powerful. As a personal trainer, I want to pass this on to clients, and encourage them to be equally the same... and hopefully, provide a breath of fresh positive air in such a negative community.
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