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mindflower Offline
what the hell is a FixYou♥
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Name: taylor
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - October 28th 2019, 04:40 PM

wow its been a while since ive done this.....

a. if you wanted to talk to me you fucking would wouldnt u. im so tired of making all the strides in this relationship. you ghosted me years ago, you spent the money you couldve used to come out to me like you said you would on an intense amount of substances, you date girls who treat you like shit when you know im waiting for you... why am i the last thing on your mind when all the while ive been the only thing you can count on when shit goes south. i answered when you were in jail. every fucking time. the least you could do is explain.

b. you dont fucking miss me. you cant dm your way out of making me feel horrible about myself. you know you were harsh, you are just too holier than thou to say so. i had a sexually transmitted disease that, ill remind you, i got rid of and helped you get rid of, but oh. its the emotional baggage that led you to leave me. youre a fucking hypocrite and a chicken.

c. we arent friends. you may think that what you have done means we are friends. you may think that back and forth sexual contact and coming to me when youre lonely and wanting to transform me means that we are friends, but you dont know anything about me. i could write a novel about your life and you probably cant pronounce my last name.

d. youve changed. drastically. i feel like i can't talk to you anymore.

e. im so sorry.
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