Stop Feeling Sorry For Yourself -
October 23rd 2019, 11:19 PM
All this crying…
All this complaining…
All this “why is this happening to me…?”
You’re so defensive about being vulnerable
when someone genuinely wants to get to know you,
yet you have no problem writing out 3 long paragraphs
on a social media post or a support forums website
about “how nothing feels real anymore,” “how all
hope is lost, there is no way things will get better,”
“I don’t know what to do,” and you write all this out
hoping someone will come in and save you.
I hate to break it to you…
But no one’s coming.
Nobody cares about your feelings.
I don’t mean this in a cold-hearted way,
but hear me out before you judge me for saying this…
In a world where technology has evolved,
we’ve used it as an outlet as a cry for help,
we tell the world how miserable and lonely we are,
how we don’t see the point in continuing on,
how we long for a connection with someone
who can relate to us because we’re deluded to thinking
our life will be better when we have that person
or those people in our lives, but the truth is no one’s listening,
and you have to be the one to make the most out of your life.
No matter how many people comment on your posts…
No matter how many people message you in a day…
No matter how many people give you “advice…”
No matter how many people say “I care about you…”
You have to be the one to save yourself.
You have to be the one to stay strong.
Because whether or not you want to hear this,
the world will keep moving on without you.
Stop feeling sorry for yourself.
You’ll be pitied for the rest of your life if you continue to do.
Pull yourself together, and take control.
If someone out there has had it far worse than you
and still made it out strong in the end…
Why can’t you?
“The main thing is realizing that even if you feel terrible for a while, that’s not how you’re going to feel the whole time. . . . Things change if you just keep moving.” - Gary Vaynerchuk