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Re: Cutting just because? -
April 12th 2019, 06:17 PM
Hey Jordan,
I understand how confusing this can be, since cutting is usually done for a certain purpose.
When I was still cutting it got to the point where I would do it just because. If I was happy, sad, pissed off you name it I did it. I think a lot of people have gone through a pointless t I. Time where they cut just to cut. I am also wondering if you could be cutting because you missed it deep down, and since you started again you are afraid it will go away. I hope that made sense. I think that maybe a thing you look at if you are truly wanting to find why you are doing it now.
I am not sure if you have had DBT, but I have found that it is really helping me finding new ways to deal with everything. I'm not sure if it would work for this specific reason.. But it maybe worth a try.
I am wondering if you have brought this up with your care team. If you haven't maybe you should. They can help give you ideas and they may even help you understand why you are cutting right now. I hope this has helped even if it was just a little bit.
If you ever need to talk my Pm/VM is always open.
Your Friend,