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Re: Medical Marijuana - January 19th 2019, 04:53 PM

Honestly, I am mostly alarmed that your doctor won't prescribe you birth control.

I totally understand doctors positions on narcotics; those are extremely addictive and there is also the opioid crisis (e.g. it's worsened by the fact that some people will sell pills they didn't take) so I get why most doctors won't prescribe those and why they're generally reserved for short term things since they don't want to prescribe it long term and create an addiction issue if it can be avoided.

But refusing to provide birth control is utter nonsense unless you have risk factors that would make it contraindicative (e.g. family history of strokes, or having high risk of uterine or breast cancers).

I think you bring up getting medical marijuana, it's super beneficial to many people an marijuana isn't addictive like narcotics and stuff (bearing in mind that I do think it can create dependency because people can become reliant on it making them feel better... but it's sort of like alcohol where the majority of us can have a dependency but won't have a chemical addiction but some people do get a chemical addiction to alcohol). Any how, should ask to be referred to another doctor if she's not even open to discussing it.

What I would do is go prepared with research. Make sure it's science based -- don't just pull shit off of blogs or Web MD, find actual research that shows why it's helpful.
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