Thread: Stressed Out
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Re: Stressed Out - November 19th 2018, 01:18 AM

She does have bipolar disorder, but she treats her therapy sessions like a joke and has decided she no longer needs her antidepressants. She was doing fine before she convinced her psychiatrist to wean her off of the antidepressant and start weaning her off of her mood stabilizer. I'm not sure how she's got the psychiatrist thinking she doesn't need them, but she's not functional anymore. She's got no interest in helping herself. I have bipolar, too, but I actually make an effort to see a therapist and work through my issues. She jokes about getting her therapist to go off on tangents so she doesn't have to actually talk about anything.

I've tried to talk to her. I've tried to make compromises. She just doesn't want any part of it. She just sits on her sofa and watches TV all day. She uses my son as an excuse to ONLY consider overnight jobs when she knows I can arrange childcare with other family members.

She'll take any chance she gets to badmouth my dad and his wife, who've gone above and beyond to help me lately. It's never enough. I understand there are hard feelings, but instead of badmouthing, how about just not bringing him up. She does like to know where I go when I go places, which I understand, but don't use it as an excuse to badmouth. My stepmother has never once said anything bad about my mother to or in front of me, and she's the one that got cheated on...

Until they do figure out that her medicine is all effed up, nothing will change. But if she gets her bipolar meds right again, she'll be an amazing mother and roommate again. I agree that they needed to CHANGE her antidepressant, but not cut out antidepressants altogether. I tried to talk to her about it, but she's not ready to see that. She thinks she's fine and acting normal when she's either not functional or incredibly lazy and grumpy. She won't talk to her psychiatrist about fixing her meds until she hits a rock bottom, and that terrifies me. The last time she hit rock bottom was twelve years ago, and she damn near killed herself that time.