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Re: Eating disorder article - November 18th 2018, 09:58 PM

Not a choice, but a disorder
By: Frankie (Oh, Bother)
Eating disorders are very complex. I know some people think that you can choose to have an eating disorder, but it is NOT a choice. There is a lot of risk factors for all types of eating disorders like biological, psychological, social cultural, and environmental. In this article I am going to be discussing each of these risk factors that can be found in people who have anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, binge eating disorder (BED), or other specified feeding or eating disorder (OSFED). I would also like to point out two people can have the same disorder but have different perspectives, experiences, and symptoms.

I am working on other sections of this right now just want to put this up to see if I need any edits so far.
Risk Factors:

  • Studies have found that if you have a close relative like a parent or sibling with an eating disorder it increases your chance of developing one as well.
  • · Mental health issues like anxiety, depression, and addiction can also run in families and can increase your chance of developing an eating disorder. Methods of controlling your weight is connected with the development of BED. When your burning off more calories then you have consumed it leads to a state of negative (Frankie: would the word weak or opposing work here to replace the word negative?) energy balance. It is shown that a lot of people’s disorders started out with conscious efforts of dieting or restricting amounts and what foods they were eating, growth spurts, illnesses and intense athletic training can be causes as well.
  • · According to recent research studies approximately one quarter of woman who have type one diabetes will develop an eating disorder. The most common pattern among these people is skipping insulin injections known as diabulimia, which can be deadly (Frankie: Honestly, I am not sure if I want to include this, because if I include this, I feel like I would have to go into detail on what exactly this eating disorder is, since most people probably haven’t heard of it)