Thread: Stressed Out
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PoeticJessie Offline
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Stressed Out - November 18th 2018, 05:44 PM

I'm not sure if this is in the right spot or not, so please move it if not.

So, as a bit of backstory, I'm twenty years old, I have a 3.5-month-old son, and we currently live with my mother. However, I'm currently the only one working. I work two jobs to make ends meet, and the only way my mother contributes is by watching my son two days a week, by her own choice. She doesn't clean other than just washing a few dishes, mainly baby bottles, and in the last three years, she's only cooked one time.

I feel like I'm the only adult in this house. The only way I can get her to contribute to the house at all is by nagging her until we get into an argument. She's always in a crappy mood lately, and she'll snap off at me over just about anything, usually when I ask to do something. She's always coming up with excuses as to why she hasn't done anything, so after working two jobs, I come home to cook, clean, and take care of my son. On my days off, I STILL cook, clean, and take care of my son, and I work seven nights a week with my night job, so I'm always exhausted. On the days where she does not babysit for me, all she does is lay around and watch TV.

I'm so frustrated at this point. I'm worn out from doing everything by myself all the time. I just need some help, and I'm not sure how to go about getting her to help me without it starting a fight.