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Re: When someone asks -
September 26th 2018, 12:22 AM
So what I tell people is that I used to cut, I don't remember, I don't want to talk about it, or just shrug it off and change subjects.
As for ideas on what to tell kids: a cat did it. Make up a story about being attacked by a shark, bear, cheetah, tiger, lion. My friend made up a elaborate story about how she got attacked by a shark and went into great detail, I even jumped in and said I was there(since I knew what it was from) and the person she said this to believed her and he was a 9th, 10th, or 11th grader. So that can work.
As for what to tell adults I would say: I don't remember, shrug it off, change the subject, tell them its personal, you rather not say.
I would suggest you check out this link that has a list of alternatives instead of self-harm.
I hope this has helped you can always PM/VM me anytime you need to talk.
Your Friend,