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butterflykisses300 Offline
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Re: busyness, stress, recovery (worried about this school year) - September 3rd 2018, 03:19 PM

Thanks Jordan!!! Yes, I am like the queen of schedules... lol. I have a few different planners for different things. I also do enjoy meal planning for the week every sunday. But soon my dietician is going to give me a type of meal plan. I’m going to try and make everything a night before but it’s so hard to find the time.
This is what my typical schedule looks like:

5am- read bible/ pray/ goals, etc.
5:30- get ready (face, teeth, make up, clothes, hair, get bag ready)
6- homework/ study
6:40- work on music
7- drive to school
7:30- school
2:40- work on music
3:30- drive to work
4- work
9- drive home
9:30- get ready for bed (face, teeth, clothes, shower, review goals)
10pm- sleep

1am- homework/study
2am- sleep until 5

I won’t sacrifice music time or homework/ study time because they are a huge investment in my future and matter a lot to me. I already have to sacrifice exercise time. I want to make food for the next day when I get ready for bed but since I only have 30 min, it will be so hard to get it all done. However, I was thinking on sundays I could make certain things that I could just already have prepared that can be stored in the fridge. That difficulty with this schedule is that I barely have time to just sit and relax. That only will happen on Sundays or possibly Saturdays. On Saturdays, I will work on music, YouTube, reading/writing which will take hours. I’m going to be so busy, I really hope this doesn’t hinder my progress in recovery.