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Re: busyness, stress, recovery (worried about this school year) - September 2nd 2018, 05:43 PM

First of all, congratulations on making so much progress with recovery! I know you used to struggle a lot and I am so proud of you for taking the steps you need to keep yourself healthy. I have every bit of faith that you can continue to do so!

Transitions are hard, but not impossible. It sounds like you have a lot going on so I would suggest breaking your day down into small increments. Have you bought a planner? If you haven't I would definitely recommend purchasing one; it's a huge help. Once you have one, write out what you'll be doing for every bit of each day. You can break it down into however small increments you want (an hour, half hour, etc.), but plan everything out. The point isn't so much to adhere to a strict schedule (so don't stress too much about it) as it is to have planned structure, including time to relax and take care of yourself away from the responsibilities of school, work, extracurriculars, etc. It's going to seem like a lot to pack in, but between making time for yourself, remembering to schedule breaks in between tasks, and asking for help when needed from your therapist, teachers, coworkers, parents, and dietician, you can do this.

Also, I suggest planning meals in advance, maybe even as much as a week ahead, if you think that's something that would be helpful for you (it's not helpful for everyone). Get all your meals ready a day ahead of time so in the morning you can grab them and go. It's important to make time for food in your schedule because if you don't you may just end up sliding back into restricting again. Make sure you stick to the meal plan your dietician gives you, as once you start going off it it's easier to slide back into old habits. Work closely with them and your therapist to keep your recovery on track.

As for eating in public, I would suggest reintroducing yourself to it slowly. Maybe have a snack in public first before having a meal in public. I'm not sure what your fear is about eating in public, but remember that no one is paying attention to you eating. I don't know whether it would be more or less helpful to eat in a place where others are eating at the same time, so use your own discretion on that one, but just start small. Maybe, if it's too daunting to do alone, eat with friends or coworkers. Work your way up to eating in public by yourself. Show yourself compassion during the process and know it's not a race to recovery; it takes time.

Congratulations and good luck! Please PM me if you need anything. We're here for you.