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butterflykisses300 Offline
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Exclamation busyness, stress, recovery (worried about this school year) - September 2nd 2018, 03:37 PM

Hey friends!!
I have made so much progress with my recovery and I am eating regularly now. It's pretty exciting. I start school in a few days and I've been worried because I know I'll be extremely busy. I have to work after school every day because I need money to pay for voice lessons, gas and my parents are making me pay for my dietician since they are paying for therapy. I have a plan on how I can get everything done (homework, music practice, extra curricular activities, etc.) but I'm worried that it will cause me a lot stress which could make it easy to relapse.

I went into the school last week (for a meeting for something I'm, involved in) and just being there brought back so many memories of depression, food restriction, anxiety, etc. I have a huge fear of eating in public which will make it difficult to eat lunch there every day. At work, I always go to my car to eat but I can't run from this fear forever. I want to protect my mental health. Since I will be so busy, I need to be able to focus and have energy so I can't afford to be restricting. Plus, I plan on getting good grades and that is awfully hard to do if I'm tired and anxious all the time.
Any advice?