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Name: Ivan
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Re: Tips to surviving high school - August 27th 2018, 02:58 PM

I have an unorthodox advice though. I cannot say that it works for many people, but at least I am following the following schemes below:

1) Enjoy homeworks that you like doing, and quickly skim through homework you don't like. Try your best to complete all homeworks no matter what as you can learn while doing homeworks.

2) You don't need too many friends. You will find yourself much easier to fit in the few people for who you really are as they are like minded as you.

3) Join clubs such that you really want to do something in the club. Even if you plan to just be in the club, or just making friends, that's fine. But if you don't even plan to do so, there is no point of joining it in the first place.

4) I prefer the term "peer encouragement/support". In terms of "good things", don't be pressured by what your peers are doing. They should inspire you do great things like them, but not to make you follow their footsteps. You should think for yourself what do you truly want to do, and don't compare with your friends. I will skip the "bad things" part: Never give in to bad things just because they want you to try.

5) Cultivate curiousity. Read "extra stuff" about the subject that you find interesting. You don't even need to worry whether you covered the syllabus. You should be learning things that you truly want to learn. Never learn just for exams. This will get rid of most of your exam pressure.

6) If you are curious and interested in the subject, work more in understanding the subject, not the correct "learning techniques". The most efficient "learning techniques", I believe, is your will to learn that subject. If not, read more on it to find something that interests you. Ideally and realistically possible, you will be wanting to learn more and more on that subject untill you find that you are "de-stressing" by doing that subject.

7) However, do also "de-stress" properly. Take some time to exercise and rest. Your health matters, and you can save time by exercising as it lengthen your life by staying healthy.

8) This applies not to your school life, but life itself. Do only things you really see it's meaning, or do things that you really enjoy/want to do, and do more of the latter. By doing things you love, you will see it's meaning in your life soon as you grow. Let it be curricular studies, clubs, extra activities, sports, games, volunteers, and so on, do what you enjoy the most. Also occationally do things that doesn't interest you that much, if it's important and meaningful too.

9) Never take in the advice like: "High school life is the best time of your life. Enjoy it, or else you will have harder times once you step into society." I believe you should and you can make your life ALWAYS as happy as possible. It has nothing to do with you are an adult or a teenager. So, enjoy your highschool life now, and don't worry about the future. Dream your future and work towards it, and try your best to acheive what you want. Your future life can be as fun as it is now.

Do my best at everything I can to live a happy, perfect life.

Happy life won't come by being happy everyday. Struggle and always work hard.

Forgive other's imperfection, they will work hard about it once I point it out to them, just like what I should be doing.

On the other hand, never tolerate with my own mediocrity. Never slack and always strive improvement.

Never settle. Never give up.