Hey everyone!! So I know I posted asking to see other people's study tips and such but hey, why not decicate a post to survive high school and avoid burnout. Trust me burnout will make you hate school. Currently I'm homeschooled but I did attend a highschool for a bit.
1. EVEN IF you dudnt finish your homework, TURN IT IN!! A low score is better than a zero!!
2. Be yourself! If you try to fit in and be someone else, you cant pull the act for long and you will eventually develop body image problems.
3. The library will become your best friend. Wheither you need something last minute or need a spot for tutoring, BOOM the library is there!
4. Join clubs or even strat one! My school had a bike club,
lgbt club, math club, movie club, spanish club, key club and I strated an art club. Keep in mind if you strat a club, it may flop. Mine did

but its okay! You tried! JOIN CLUBS
5. Google sheets have a template decicated for assignment tracking! It gives you subjects but its possible to change them.
6. Google also has timers to remind you to take a break or can block out distracting websites. This add ons are free!
6. Bullet journals and planners. Always use them!
7. Some note taking straggies that Im trying out are box, outline, and cornell. Each work depending on the subject but I highly recommend testing out some methods.
8. Colorcode!! Use gel pens or highlighters. be creative! doodle symbols thatll help you remember!
9. Set timers on your phone for breaks. During breaks refill your water, grab a snack,play with your fuzzy friend and use the restroom.
10. When you set goals for homework BREAK IT DOWN. If youre just like oh do project, you wont do it. Look over the requirements and make notes on it. Like research this today, write and organize tommorrow, and begin the poster sketch afterwards.
11. Occasually for break, exercise! You'll feel more engerized and alert and exercising is good for you. Esspecially if you dont have PE
12. If your school has home ec TAKE IT
13. I use Khan academy, desmos, doulingo, and basically anyother internet resource i have. Plus khan has some fun coding and animation classes if your into that.
14. If your local library hosts events for your age group, GO. Everyone forgets about social health and my library and possibly other libraries has a de-stress event where we make slime and pet therapy dogs.
15. Peer presure can be postive! For example: "hey theres this cool club/event youll like wanna go?" or "Hey lets not smoke. No matter the curiousity." Peer presure is when a peer presures you into doing something, good or bad.
16. Step out of your comfront zone! its scary but if it fails you learned!
17. Save 50% of money earned. You wont regret it. Once you have expenses lower it.
20. Its absolutily okay to be a kid! play with toys, cuddle stuffed animals, play on the jungle gym, build with legos!
21. Anything that the school grabs your attention do it. Attend pep rallies, games, dances, events! They tell you high school sucks but make your experience suck less and you wont regret it!
22. If someone bullies you, or you concerned about a friend/yourself or about homework, talk to your teacher. Please.
Anyway those are my tips. Anyone else have tips for highschool?