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Re: Is this self-harm? thread. - July 31st 2018, 11:15 PM

I think the topic itself might be a little too specific to include with the Hotlines, Safety Zone, and Alternatives. If we did include it in that way, would there be other topics to include? For instance, there's the [What is an addictive behaviour?] sticky in the Addictive Behaviours forum. I like the idea of including it within the Safety Zone itself, but then there's still the thought of if what else should/n't be included. Not sure if that makes sense, but I don't mind clarifying if anyone needs.

The current sticky is kind of a quasi-article in a way, so I think expanding it into a full article would be a good idea and the article itself could replace the current sticky? This way it'd be an article while still being easily accessible?

I'm a little confused about your suggestion, Chantal. Which, that can easily just be on my part. Is your suggestion to kind of reword the sticky itself, have an actual article written, and then combine them? I think I'm just confused because they'd contain a lot of the same information and it'd be a bit redundant. They'd be structured in a similar way as well. Please correct me if I'm wrong, though. It's been a long day.

I also want to mention that first aid information is currently included in the Safety Zone under the "Currently in a crisis" section. It links to [this] thread, which is honestly in the same boat as the "Is this self-harm?" thread.

“Peace is power”