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Re: What are you reading now? - July 30th 2018, 03:50 AM

Originally Posted by Romaness View Post

I've just finished this (it's book one). I could easily see how the writer manipulated the reader's emotions and I considered some parts where the characters were miraculously saved weak. Still that damned book engrossed me completely - to such an extent that I devoured it in merely a week, reading while eating and performing other tasks that definitely shouldn't be intertwined with reading. Anyway, I recommend it to anyone interested in fantasy and something not of the overly ambitious type, compelling, light-hearted and well-written nonetheless.

If you liked mistborn you might like The Shadow of What Was Lost. It's been said to have Sanderson vibes and I get why. I've been devouring it. I've read 165 pages in two days which might not seem like a lot but I've been reading 40 pages a day, at most, for most the books I've read this year.