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NeuroBeautiful Offline
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Re: Wanting to Explore Religion - May 20th 2018, 07:22 PM

Hey Chris,
Wanted to start by saying I'm very sorry for your loss.
Next is the religious stuff. Obviously religion and spirituality can be really personal but it is also about connecting with others in the community and sharing it. If you know what you want to explore, you can try finding a local group of people who are practicing said tradition or religion.

I can also offer you my perspective based on Jewish teachings. I also know that some of the most famous physicists believed in a higher power. Religion and science are two ways to understand the unknown and mysterious but in traditions that are earth based
, the convergence of science and religion may be seen more clearly. Studies such as Tai Chi, Feng Shui, meditation and energy healing can be also ways science and spiritual overlap. Anything to do with healing, medicine I suppose including psychological healing.

You said you don't believe in God at this point but do you believe in the concept of a soul?
If you start exploring the soul and what it means and how to nurture your soul, maybe that would be a start. You can also try reaching out to a higher power. You can write it or say it out loud when you're alone or put headphones to make it look like you're talking another person. Just say, "I know you're not scientifically proven but I want to connect with you, please show me how" or whatever you feel. This was just an example.

I'm willing to discuss is more with you if you would like. I'm not necessarily totally religious myself but this is something I've tried. Prayer is a powerful tool. That's something scientifically backed up Science falls short if it isn't integrated with art and spirituality. That's my personal opinion anyway. Best of luck with your journey

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