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Re: I'm so confused about grad school loans! - May 4th 2018, 05:32 AM

What is confusing you about the scheduling? Maybe you could talk to someone at the school?
I know my original post was to rant but I'll answer this.

They give us a plan of study to follow. Basically I have one class waived because I already have my Bachelor's in Public Health (some people have a Bachelor's in something else and switch over) and I also took another grad level class in undergrad as a transfer credit. Both of the classes I no longer have to take were in the plan of study for semester 1. In place of the waived class, I need to take an elective.

In order to be considered full-time, you must have at least 3 classes. The plan of study has four listed so I want to keep taking four to keep up.

But there's only two more on the plan of study for the first fall semester. I CAN take classes that are supposed to be for my second fall semester if they're not full, but some are getting close. I'd likely need an elective, if not two, this semester to get to four classes.

The problem with that is that you need advisor permission for any electives...

I guess it wouldn't hurt TOO much if I had to take three courses this first semester since I DID take one for transfer credit already and it should balance out... It would also help with the transition.

I have one email out to the graduate coordinator already and will likely ask her about this when she responds. I don't want to bombard her and I hope she doesn't think I'm stupid with all these questions.

I also want to discuss the possibility of living on campus this first year, fi it's not too late. So I need to call billing to make sure I understand the price breakdown properly and I'm going to look stupid because it's all listed on the website and I want to make sure I understand. I already called them about pricing for things once today.

Do you ever get a little bit tired of life
Like you're not really happy but you don't wanna die
Like you're hanging by a thread but you gotta survive
'Cause you gotta survive