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Re: (School Rant) What am I supposed to do with my life/ I have good grades so I can't complain - April 3rd 2018, 10:02 PM

Listen, I'm 30 years old and just finishing college. Why so long? I couldn't decide what I want to do. I've maintained a 4.0 GPA throughout high school and college. Let me tell you, it's not the end of the world. My main advice would don't pursue a passion, especially when you're younger. Why? Because you're subject to change your passions with age. Your mind doesn't stop growing until your late into your 20s. Meaning something you enjoy now, you might not in 4 years. Rather, I'd pursue something that you either like or that you can bear -- but is not a passion. Typically I recommend choosing something that provides stability. This isn't what most people suggest because they'll say "do something you love!" However, as I've mentioned in another recent post is that stability and money provide opportunity. Money isn't everything, but if you pursue art, you may not have the financial resources to be successful. Therefore, if you pursue a degree that you can manage and allow you to be successful and draw financial gains, you then have the monetary ability to do what you want and be successful at it.

Something I would also suggest doing, if you like art, is to try computer science. I know that it may sound ilk. However, I am a photographer and used to be an English major. I am not a senior in computer science, with no programming experience prior to entering school. Computer science provides you with a LOT of creativity, a LOT of problem solving, a LOT of power, and a LOT of opportunities. It may sound ilk, but give it a shot. Try learning an easier language like Python and see how you like it. If you like drawing, graphics, and art, you could learn GUI (Graphical User Interface) or Front End Web Development. Just my 2 cents. There are a lot of free resources online (BuckyRoberts, codecademy, KhanAcademy, MITOpenCourseWare, mycodeschool, etc.). When you start solving real problems, you will truly appreciate the art of it.

"For small creatures such as we the vastness is bearable only through love."
- Carl Sagan
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