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Re: Considering my first tattoo - April 2nd 2018, 10:40 AM

I don't really have a huge pain tolerance either, but I can say that the pain levels differ depending on the location you want to get it. For example, I've heard people say that the foot is incredibly painful, but I got two of mine on my calves and they tickled more than anything. My first tattoo took three hours, though, and toward the end my body had had enough and that's when it started hurting more. But for that, know that multiple sessions are always an option! You can discuss the pain level at a certain location with the artist, but they can only give you a general idea. But, you can also talk about doing multiple sessions if it eases your mind. You may be able to do the line work in one session and the coloring in another.

It will help a LOT for you to stay hydrated and to eat. Even bring snacks with you. I was a fool with my shoulder blade tattoo and didn't eat... I didn't end up throwing up but I came close. They had to give me candy and a soda. It's even okay to ask for a break. I have three and when I have food in me and am hydrated, it's a lot easier to manage everything.

Healing wise, my artist had me use A&D ointment for a day or two and then switch to an UNSCENTED lotion. When I showered the first few times I also couldn't make it scalding hot, and I couldn't go swimming for a few weeks (I think two, but if you have any sudden swimming plans you'd want to double check). Do not pick at it if it peels! Some peeling is normal and intentionally peeling it can mess it up. If it comes off itself it's not bad. I was working when I got the first one on my calf so I had to wear my pants over it while at work, but I immediately changed after. My biggest complaint with any tattoos and clothing is they stick! The ointment sticks, but the first few days you also "bleed ink" and that sticks too. It also stains so you may want to wear dark clothing. If your tattoo is going to be covered 100% of the time I'd just let the artist know. You can get tattoos virtually anywhere on the body after all, so I'm sure there are ways to keep things healthy. I can't say much on reactions. I have sensitive skin and was fine but obviously everyone is different.

The cost depends on factors like size, detail, and the amount of time it takes. I had one cost me a bit over $300, but it also took three hours to complete and was large and detailed. My two others are about $120 ish? It doesn't hurt to get quotes, though, plus it's okay to look at different tattoo places in general just to see if they're up to par. Look at their work, look at their reviews, and just look at how they treat you. Definitely don't pay an outrageous amount but also remember that what you're paying for is what you'll get, if that makes sense. Also remember to tip your artist!

I'm not sure if this helps any but I hope it does.

Do you ever get a little bit tired of life
Like you're not really happy but you don't wanna die
Like you're hanging by a thread but you gotta survive
'Cause you gotta survive