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Moxie. Offline
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Re: How do I tell my doctor? - March 25th 2018, 07:46 PM

Deciding to confide in someone about your mental state is a very brave thing to do. You should be incredibly proud of yourself for making the decision to do so.

In the US, doctors are only able to send you to the hospital for suicidal ideation if you have a detailed plan and the intent and means to carry out said plan. Merely telling your doctor that you have suicidal feelings isn't enough for them to refer you to a hospital for treatment. Also, if you are over the age of 18, doctors and pharmacists are not allowed to discuss any medical treatment or things talked about in appointments with anyone without your permission. If you are under 18, you can always ask your doctor ahead of time if they will be sharing the details of your appointment with your parents and go from there.

Since 10 minutes isn't a long time, perhaps you can think about your symptoms ahead of time and decide which ones are the most pressing/have the most negative impact on your life. Those are the ones that you should talk to your doctor about first. As Cassie suggested, you can always write your feelings down if you think you might have trouble saying them out loud.

Since it sounds like you have an idea of the course of treatment you would like to pursue, you can also bring that up to her. While she might decide that other avenues will be more beneficial to you, letting her know what you are looking for in mental health treatment will help her provide you with the best referrals for any follow-up appointments that you may need.

Best of luck reaching out!

wanderlust consumed her;
foreign hearts & exotic minds compelled her.
she had a gypsy soul
and a vibrant heart for the unknown.
-d. marie
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