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Kintsukuroi. Offline
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Re: Prayer Requests Thread - March 25th 2018, 11:26 AM

Please keep my dog in your prayers. We’re waiting on the results for a few more tests that will hopefully tell us what’s wrong and why she’s knuckling and having trouble walking/standing. It’s like when she walks she’s beyond hammered and is unable to support herself.
We have an emergency visit booked this afternoon at a specialist vet (a doggy neurologist) for a CT, MRI, a spinal tap and a nerve biopsy to be sure we tested for everything. Hopefully they’re able to figure out what’s wrong because our vet is so baffled. If we aren’t able to figure out what’s wrong, we’re going to have to put her down because it’s not fair for her to be suffering this badly. We don’t want to do that until we are sure that we have run every test. If the results show nothing that is causing this or that there is no treatment for what os, we have to because she’s suffering so.
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