Re: my friend knew i was going to be raped -
March 11th 2018, 07:21 PM
That's an awfully difficult situation to be in! Either Jeff is telling the truth, and in which case, had the power to do something to stop you from being raped. Or he is lying, which is obviously just going to mess with your emotions. Either way, he doesn't seem like someone that has your best interests at heart at all, and I'm sorry that you are going through this.
I agree that some distance and perhaps ending the friendship may be the healthiest option for you. Understandably after hearing such news, it's going to change how you see Jeff and the friendship itself. Agree that it might help to change seats in class, if possible, and if need be, avoid the road trip. Maybe you can do something else to celebrate your friend's birthday? At least that way you won't have to miss out so much.