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Re: Will Praying to move work? - February 12th 2018, 08:29 AM

Hey there, Salina.

I believe that there is power in prayer and that God works in amazing ways. However, if there is something you want, you have to take steps to work towards it. It’s important not to loose faith or become inpatient if it looks like your prayers aren’t being answered because He may just surprise you in the end (much like St. Monica).

I’m not sure if you know but Pope Francis said, “prayer does not work like a magic wand! It helps us keep faith in God, and to entrust ourselves to him even when we do not understand his will.” I think that this is something to remember and it helps me a lot. Even though it may seem that your prayers go unanswered...He always has a plan and sometimes despite how good your intentions are, He knows what is best for you and he always has a plan that will make sense in the end. I know how hard it can be when it appears that your prayers are not being answered but I look at it that maybe God has a different plan for me at that moment. Prayer isn’t something that is quick, it’s a long process and a way for us to become closer to God. Over the years, what we want or need changes and while we may not be expecting it, God has foreseen it and he knows what is coming even when it may appear to be darkest.

However, I think if there is something you want such as moving states, you need to work towards it as well as praying. Praying can only go so far because you need to look into where you want to move and how you will support yourself and such.

I hope this helps. Take care.