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Nonoka Offline
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Name: Nonoka
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Re: I think I'm pregnant again - February 4th 2018, 01:26 AM

I told my boyfriend that I think I might be pregnant, I just wanted to get it over with sooner then later Instead of stressing about it for a long time first. He took me to buy a pregnancy test and I took it at his place. It was positive, I am definitely pregnant. I am only 2 to 4 weeks along I know that for sure. my boyfriend was actually really happy that I am pregnant he's already talking about how he can find a bigger place to rent and we can all move in with him and he hopes it's a boy because we already have a girl. I know he likes kids and wanted kids one day but I'm really surprised and Even more relieved that he's so happy and supportive about it. But I'm not so sure I want to rush living together just because we are having a baby though... And I'm not sure how to tell him. I haven't told my parents yet but I think I am going to wait a little while for that. I had to have an emergency c-section with my Daughter and I really don't want another c-section but I might have to. I have heard of vbacs but I don't know a lot about it and if its risky or not but I guess I'll find out.