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PoeticJessie Offline
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Name: Jessie
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Re: How are you beating self harm? Vol 2 - February 3rd 2018, 12:45 AM

I've used a lot of methods over the years, but the ones that have worked the most are:

listening to music - I mostly listen to CCM or Christian rock when I'm down because it's very uplifting

prayer as I've always been strong in my faith, except for the times when I turned to SH instead of my faith

reading one book series in particular - I believe I'm on the tenth time reading it, maybe more

writing poetry - this had been one of the absolute best things to help me because while it doesn't distract me from the urges, it helps me work through whatever is causing them

I smoked cigarettes from the time I was fourteen until this past December (I switched to vaping because it's not as unhealthy / hazardous) and when I was having a really hard time, I would force myself to wait until after I had smoked a cigarette. The time it took to finish the cigarette would give me time to calm down. It wasn't a healthy coping method, but at the time, I was already smoking, and to me, it was the lesser of the two evils since it did help. I am in no way recommending smoking instead of SH; it was just something that helped me when I was younger. Both habits are unhealthy and harmful, but I will admit that it helped me quit SH, and as I said, I've since quit smoking cigarettes altogether