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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - December 30th 2017, 03:41 PM

“I’m alive,” I told you. “Yeah,” you said, “for now.”

That hit me harder than anything else that has been said to me about my health.

You’ve been down this road, I thought you got so much worse than where I’m at, but last night you told me people go to inpatient with the amount I eat. I thought I was eating so much more, and I am, from what I did eat for months. I thought telling you that the weight loss slowing down would prove I’m getting better, but you asked if I’ve changed any of my habits.

You said that I look like I’m dying, and I might not make it to summer. I can’t wait until summer to begin treatment because I might die before then.

I’m sorry that I’m scaring you. I’m sorry that I’m hurting you. I’m sorry if I cause you to relapse. Recovery is possible for you, but maybe it’s just not for me.
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