Re: I'm happy today because... -
December 28th 2017, 10:45 PM
I ran further than I ever have, and even though it really isn’t that far, I’m amazed that I could do that much. And I want to run more, but not in the compulsive, anorexic state of mind that keeps me at the gym for hours at the time. I want to run more because I’m thankful for my body that can run like that. I’m thankful for my body. I’m proud of my body. What? I haven’t said anything like that in - y e a r s - but running is helping me say that. Maybe running isn’t the greatest thing for me to do because I do have an eating disorder, but if it improves my confidence, why not? I’ll at least keep running until I get back into therapy. I’ll talk to my therapist about it and she can help me determine if it’s healthy or not for me.