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Re: My self harm problem -
November 29th 2017, 10:23 PM
Hey there,
Do you have anyway to get into counseling? It might be worth talking to your parents/guardians about this and see if they would be open to that. If you are hesitant to tell them about your self harm, you might be able to tell them that you are dealing with a lot of things that are making you want to harm yourself and you would like to get help. Once you get into a counselor you might be able to work with them to try and talk to your parents/guardians about all of this. If you are hesitant to confide in your parents about this you might be able to get in with the school social worker/psychologist. They might be able to help you figure out the best way to talk to your parents about your self harm. You all could work together to try and figure out the best options to help you get to a better place.
Something that might help you is to figure out what your triggers are. I know, that is something that I had to work on for years but it did help me to figure those things out. By figuring out my triggers I was better able to understand them and find ways to cope once I got to a place where I wanted to recover. Some of the things that helped me figure out my triggers was keeping a journal and a blog. Teenhelp has a blog section if you'd like to look into that.
Aside from your parents/guardians, do you have any friends who you could confide in about your self harm? I know figuring out if a friend is trustworthy can be a difficult task, however, I know that having a friend or two to talk to about all of this can be helpful as well.
It might also help for you to look into Alternatives to Self Harm. I know that the alternatives have helped me and others who were trying to cope with self harm, so they might help you as well.
Best regards.