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Re: Is this self harm? - November 27th 2017, 08:13 PM

Welcome to TH.

Self-harm is anything you do on purpose to hurt yourself. Snapping a rubber band on your wrist is used as a tool for people to stop cutting or self-harming, but the way you are doing it is considered as self-harm since you do it so hard to leave bruises. Pinching yourself is also self-harm. As for cutting with a razor that is really dangerous and can lead to you self-harming a lot worse.

I know it feels good and helps in the moment but a couple minutes later you usually feel guilty. I think you should talk to someone about this like a parent, or teacher so you can get the help you need. In the mean time I think you should look at THIS forum which is alternatives to self-harm.

If you ever need to talk I am just a PM/VM away
Your Friend,