Originally Posted by TheAtomicBlade
Neither, combat boots
Pullups or crunches
I used to like doing crunches but could never do pullups. I know part of it is due to the fact that one of my shoulders is weaker than the other and so I am never able to pull myself up and one shoulder/arm works harder and it is uneven. I was supposed to get help through Physical therapy or something but I only went a few times and then my mom stopped taking me.
I can barely do either
chip or lumir from beautify and the beast
Honestly not a huge fan of either any longer. Used to love Beauty and the beast as a child but as I got older I lost interest. Ended up losing interest in the characters as well. If I had to choose, probably chip since he was always cute and a tad bit funny.
If you go to the movie theater and buy stuff from the concession stand do you tend to order popcorn or candy? (I actually prefer pretzels but I know popcorn and candy are more popular
