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Name: jess
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bleeding after period? -
November 21st 2017, 09:12 PM
so on the 15th, last wednesday, my partner didn't know if he pulled out good enough and he said there's a thing where birth control pills can act as emergency contraception. i'm not on the pill anymore, the side effects were too negative for me, but i still have a years worth supply of two different types of BC. i googled the EC thing and it turns out one of the types of pills i have,[Edited], can be used as EC.
it said take [Edited] for the first dose and [edited]. so I took the first dose not even an hour after we had sex, and obviously the second dose twelve hours later.
i use an app to track my period, and it says this week i should be ovulating. but for the past few days i've had heavy discharge accompanied by a strong abnormal smell. last night i noticed the discharge was light pink, and today it went from brown blood to red blood discharge. it looks like period blood, but i still have over two weeks until my next period is supposed to start.
google says that the bleeding usually comes with ovulation, but it's just concerning me because this has never happened with ovulation before. the amount of blood coming out is acting just like a period.
the only period symptom that has really shown up was a breakout of acne yesterday. i just don't know what to think..? should i see a doctor or is it probably fine? logically i'm thinking it's just because of the pills, but of course i'm afraid it could be something much more serious.
i don't know what i'm supposed to do haunted by the ghost of you
Last edited by DeletedAccount69; November 22nd 2017 at 12:18 AM.
Reason: Removing unsafe medication information which goes against the TOS