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20 Dollar Nose Bleed Offline
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Name: Rhia.
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Re: Pregnant AGAIN !!!! - May 3rd 2009, 10:33 AM

Originally Posted by lauren_160 View Post
you could try a diffrent form of contraception, maybe going on the pill?
I second this. Although seeing as you're so young and this is the second time this has happened I would suggest going on The Pill AND using condoms at the same time. No form of protection is 100% effective, as you well know by now. So using the two together would be a good step for you, alot of people do it. As for what to do about the baby...I agree with FranklinF. I myself would look into adoption or abortion if I were in your situation. You're only young yourself and your body went through the trauma of having a baby not very long ago. Putting it through it all over again so soon probably isnt a great idea. BUT this is your choice, just think this all through seriously before you make it. Talk with your parents about it, with your boyfriend and your boyfriend's parents too seeing as it will affect them also.

Good luck. Think hard.

H a p p i n e s s.