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Re: Favorite things to do on holiday? - October 31st 2017, 10:53 PM

I've mainly only gone to the beach since I live about 2-3 hours from a few different beaches. One of the things I like to do most is get some seafood...shrimp, clams and clam chowder, mussels, oysters...pretty much all the shellfish I can eat. We can get seafood in my city but it isn't as fresh and you usually pay a steep price to get very little. When we visit the coast, you pay a bit for the seafood, but you tend to get a ton (it also is a lot more fresh than what we get here).

Other things I like to do; go visit the beaches and the little shops they have. You can sometimes find some really cool items at the shops. Also, we visit the sweet shops. A lot of those shops have fudge and back when we would visit the beach a few times a year, that was a steal because people tend to only make fudge around Christmas time. That was actually the only time my mom would make her world famous fudge.

I also like visiting different bookstores. They tend to be smaller bookshops and so you can sometimes find really interested books which can be fun.