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Starseeker Offline
I once walked the starry sky
I can't get enough
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Name: Sue
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/her
Location: The Andromeda Galaxy

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Join Date: March 5th 2017

Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - October 27th 2017, 09:23 PM

I want our skating errands to never end. I want to stare into your eyes and laugh with you. You don't know how heartbroken I am each time we have to part ways.
I find this undecisiveness of mine rather exasperating. I honestly can't even decide if I dislike you or not. Your way of acting annoys me, but impresses at the same time, and the way you sometimes look at me makes me wonder who I am to you.
A person I used to call my best friend (and would love to be able to still do it...) isn't interested in keeping in touch with me anymore. I hadn't expected that now I'd be relying on you. I know you have a similar relationship with many people and they adore you for that, but so do I. Thank you for being there for me. Even though I can't tell you many things it's still an invaluable support.
I'd love to spend each starry night with you, gal, wandering through the streets of our city or sipping bubble tea and doodling. And chatting about lads we'll never get. I feel so safe when I'm with you.
You're so impressively intelligent. You're the most intelligent person I know. But... to be honest, I feel awkward when I talk to you. I'm sorry. I don't think we're the most suitable interlocutors for each other.
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