Thread: Triggering: One of those ranty poems
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NeuroBeautiful Offline
Please call that story back.
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One of those ranty poems - October 15th 2017, 11:50 PM

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Can't really think straight so it is just gonna be a sloppy satitical rant with stanzas this time

You've been my job specialist:
You have to get a job that pays 100k at least
You have to work at a well known corporation
Because any other job isn't real
Volunteering is stupid and anyone
who volunteers is stupid too

And my very own personal economist:
You'll never be get a job at the rate that you're going
Your uncle got a very good job and you know why?
Because he listened to me!
Good things happen when you listen to my advice
If you want to be arrogant you'll get nowhere in life
You're very arrogant
Look at me when I speak
I don't have time to waste
I'm giving you the most important lesson of your life
I don't have another time

You've been my moral coach and my sanity--meter:
Cool it down
No need to blow it out of proportion
I'm concerned about your judgement
It is just a joke
You're delusional
You have to be more flexible and accept the jokes
No one is hurting you; the world doesn't revolve around you
We act this way because we are scared of you
She didn't do anything, you're the one fighting over nothing
You have to successfully sell yourself
If you're not successful at presenting yourself as worthy then that means you're not worthy
All your hobbies are stupid
Your art work is garbage
Your interests are garbage
If it doesn't make you money then it is stupid
Time is money

You've been my fashion stylist:
Let me see how those pants on you look from the back
You have to dress sexy because you're a woman
You have to stop picking at your lips or a guy will not enjoy kissing you

You've been my personal self defense coach and you have the new progressive philosophy of "you learn skills best through real life experiences"
So you do various things that resemble ambushes in a war zone so that I naturally obtain hyprrviligance and you use various methods of mind games so I can naturally gain the skill of differentiating who my enemy is and who isn't
And when I get if wrong you very kindly lecture me that he is never ever to be thought of as someone who has hurt me even if I feel very strongly that way with every fiber of my being. It must be my overworked brain playing tricks on me.

You've been my dietitian:

You've reminded me very passionately that one meal a day is "plenty"
You've counted my calories and gracefully reminded me that the food I was eating had x calories in it
You've gotten very real down to earth with me and put me in my place for eating more than I should have.
You've put food in the freezer so I don't overeat

Thank you for playing such a significant role in my life. Thwas examoles are only a few among the many reminders of whi you ars to me.

I am waiting for the day that I am told this was all a bad dream and that I'm finally going home to where my real family is.

But then I go through another day of this and cry myself to sleep. I just want to go home. I just want to tell my parents what an awful dream I had and have them hug me and tell me it was only a terrible nightmare and that they're here for me and that I'm with them and I'm safe now.

But this isn't a dream. I have no one to run home to. And it wont end here unless i end it. .

I can fire you. But I can never hire you to be my father if that's not what you've applied to be.

~Show Yourself
Step Into Your Power~

~Grow Yourself,
Into Something New~