How do i convince my Girlfriend that i didn't cheat? -
October 12th 2017, 11:40 AM
Hi, i'm Luke i'm a 13 year old boy. i've been dating a girl for around a year and i think the world of her. i love her to bits and i want to spend the rest of my life with her. i've done everything she has asked me to do to change and be the boy she wants me to be. I had my haircut in a style she wanted, i threw my old clothes out and bought new ones she picked for me, i cut out all my old friends she didn't want me hanging out with. i devote myself to her. i do everything she wants me to do to please her, i spend my pocket money and money from my weekend job on gifts for her, i do chores for her. she makes me write poems and essays for her and makes me buy her flowers. i take her out places and i pay for everything. i thought everything was ok and i was keeping her happy. whenever i upset her i usually get silent treatment for a bit after or she slaps my face or kicks my balls as punishment but then we wipe the slate clean and everythings ok again, she always forgive me eventually each time i let her down. But two weeks ago someone told her i was cheating on her with another girl, she refuses to tell me who said it but whoever it is they are lying and i don't know what the motive is for saying this. i have never and would never cheat on her, shes the only girl i want. But she believes it and thinks i did it. She told me its over for good and i knelt infront of her and begged her to believe me and she didn't.and also when she dumped me she also kicked me in the balls as extra punishment. over past two weeks i keep begging and begging for her to talk to me and give me a chance, i kneel for her and i tell her its a lie and she refuses to listen or believe me, i don't know what to do, shes cutting me out and i am beside myself. i love her so much and its killing me that she doesn't believe me and is cutting me out like this. i'd do anything to get her to see i'm telling the truth but i don't know how i can prove to her that the other person was lying? she won't even tell me who they are. i want her to forgive me, even though i didn't do what i am accused of, maybe all i can do now is beg for forgiveness anyway? any advice?