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  (#7371 (permalink)) Old
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Re: Goal of the day! - September 14th 2017, 02:32 PM

I want to get through the last two sailor moon manga that I have
I want to try and finish my book. I have a little more than 100 pages left so it is doable
I want to watch the movie and review it so that I can get it up sometime soon
I want to hang out with friend's if they end up going out tonight. I know that September is a busier month and so they might not end up going out the next two weeks. I won't be asking if anyone is going since I am not feeling up to it. If they send out the text and go I will too though
I need to pick up my medication
I need to get the books I have waiting at the library as well (one of the books has holds so I am going to read it as soon as I get it)
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