Thank you everyone! Since it's been a full month since school started, they're already starting to enter in grades into our online report cards.
Social Studies: B-
Gym: A-
Art: A
Language Arts: B+
Spanish: B
Chemistry: A-
Math: C
~GPA: 3.57
I'm not doing too well

I'm determined to get excellent grades this year and have AT LEAST a 3.75 average! (since I've been struggling with grades in this school as well as when I was in my previous school)
Studying & grades have never come easy for me but I'm gonna work my hardest this year. I'm trying to pull those grades up to all A's, but since Math is particularly a struggle for me, I'm willing to have at the very least a B in that class.
Does anyone have any tips on studying? I am taking Freshman math since I flunked last year, so does any one have any resources or helpful sites I can use for Algebra 1?