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~anongirl~ Offline
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Name: anonymousgurl
Age: 23
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School just started and I'm already failing - September 7th 2017, 12:01 AM

It's only been 3 and 1/2 weeks of school and I'm already doing poorly. Basically, I go to a special admissions charter school which you have to take this huge exam to enter. You have to get a certain grade (or higher) to get accepted.

Anyways, I'm a sophomore now and I'm kind of struggling this year. Last year (my first year at the charter school) I was struggling as well. I ended up graduating from Freshman year with 2 C's on my report card (Bio and Math) and 3 B's (Spanish, History, Language Arts) and 2 A's (Art, Gym).

Yeah. I barely made it :/

This year, we just started and im already doing miserable

I have 2 C's (History and Math) and a B (Spanish). All of these grades are because I started off with A's, but then the exams brought them down. I failed my first Spanish exam, and got C's on my first History and Math exams. I'm trying my best to boost my grades up by things other than the exams (working extra hard at homework, raising my hand in class more so that I can get points for participation) etc... I know I sound stupid right now but I'm desperate to get those grades up

Also, I'm repeating math this year because I failed last year. Its really humiliating but I am doing the class again with Freshmen. Math and Science are my weakest points as you can tell.

My self esteem has been really down because of my grades. I really wanna stay in this school (it is very studious+has very strong and challenging curriculum, plus it has high rankings in our district), but honestly I don't know if I should stay. I feel dumber than a lot of the other students, its embarrassing knowing I'm the stupidest one. I feel like such a failure. The only reason I have an A in chemistry this year is because we have zero quizzes and tests, and all we do is group activities so that's what our grade is based on.

I really really wanna stay in this school