Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. -
May 2nd 2009, 04:30 AM
I watch what I say on the internet very carefully these days. No one knows the reason why I chose not to say what's on my mind most of the time,but you. I fear that you still come to look for someone who post similarly to me. Irrational as that may be it is still true.
I Beg you.... To have patience with everything
unresolved in your heart and try
to love the questions themselves as
if they were locked rooms
or books in a very foreign language
Don't search for the answers
Which could not be given to you
right now because you wouldn't be able to
live with them
and the point is to LIVE
Everything live
the questions now
Perhaps then some day
far into the future you will
gradually live your way into