Re: My medication is making it worse -
August 13th 2017, 10:32 PM
That should definitely be something to talk about with your doctor and honestly if you sister isn't being supportive you should tell her it hurts you and that you aren't over reacting and maybe explain depressed in medical stand point like saying that depression is a chemical in balance in your brain that may help I'd recommend having your mother there as well of course if you're comfortable with that if you're not then don't
And right now I know it seems really bad that you came out and told everyone but in a few years I guarantee you're not going to regret it one bit and also this may not be the right medication for you that's another thing to talk to your doctor about!
Now another thing getting over this stuff is very hard like very very hard but it starts with you! So if let's say you like watching... Uh the walking dead and that helps keep your mind off of bad thought such as suicide and self-harm then start doing that more often if hanging out with people helps then do that more! I personally like drawing when I feel like that
I believe you can do this!
A heart without dreams is like a bird without feathers