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Starseeker Offline
I once walked the starry sky
I can't get enough
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Name: Sue
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/her
Location: The Andromeda Galaxy

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Join Date: March 5th 2017

Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - July 13th 2017, 12:43 PM

Today started so well. I got those happy happy news and I was so joyful about them. Everything seemed alright.
But you are ALWAYS the one who's disappointed, furious at everyone and unforgiving. You are ALWAYS the one to shatter my good feelings and make me cry. Every single morning that I wake up happy (you can't even imagine the effort it takes), after an hour or two you get up and RUIN EVERYTHING.
Then you happily go out and I stay at home, with no food, no money to even run away somewhere for half a day. I know you did that on purpose so that I couldn't leave home, because you knew I had no cash. I know you did that on purpose, because I didn't want to go to a fucking park with you.
I don't want you to be here. You're ruining everything. I was so fortunate to be able to visit my favourite place in the world, but you can't stand my smile. You can't stand it when I'm travelling across the city alone, with a cheerful smile on my face because I'm having fun. That's too much for you, right? So you're using every single fucking excuse to lock me up.
I don't want to see you.
I just want to stay here, but without you. Only with the people I love and who love me.

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