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Re: What are you reading now? - July 4th 2017, 07:08 PM

Originally Posted by Cassado View Post

What We Saw was a DNF for me. I made it to about page 130, but I was too easily triggered and didn't have enough of a tolerance to read anything even vaguely close to my own experiences. I did continue to skim through and read dialogue because I wanted to see how it ended.

Going to try to read this now. I would put it off but it took weeks for me to get it and there's a waiting list after me.

I hope that book doesn't prove to be too triggering. I know the first part (I believe there are three parts) was kind of graphic in regards to what she went through...but after that it got less detailed about her abuse.

Would love to know your thoughts if you are able to finish it.

I am reading: