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Jordioa18 Offline
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Re: Considering dropping out of college - June 29th 2017, 10:04 AM

Originally Posted by ~Abibliophobe~ View Post
The one thing I will say is that there are a lot of people who struggle with going to school and working and this leads to them never being able to actually complete the degree they wanted to. However, there are a lot of people who have no problem with school and work. I am hoping to be able to go back to school after I get a job and have adjusted a bit but I am very much aware of my limits and have tried to come up with plans that will help minimize the stress I might experience when going back to school.

Personally, as someone with a disability that has impacted my ability to go to school, I have found that taking fewer classes was actually a lot more manageable. I have found that when I try and take 12-15 units a semester (that's the average amount a student takes in the USA) that I would end up overwhelmed and I would either drop the classes or end up doing poorly. While taking fewer units did mean that I was not able to finish as fast as I wanted it turned out to be more productive than taking a full course load and not being able to complete the classes.

So, I would honestly suggest that you consider that option....taking a bit longer to finish the program.

Is it possible for you to talk out some of the concerns you have regarding that option with your parents and your girlfriend? I know I was able to talk to my dad about what I should do and he agreed that 1) I should change my major and 2) I should take fewer classes. It's possible that your parents and girlfriend would be able to support you through this.

Best of luck.
I am personally warming more up on taking a bit longer to finish my major. Only thing is that I might catch some flak from my family. I won't have math and English next year (I had both exams this year), but I have a lot to pay attention to at Dutch and again, my greatest stumbling block in the curriculum, planning (I do have help with planning though).

I don't have much of a feeling that my parents (Mostly my mom) would be approachable to this kind of thing. My mom expects me to finish next year regardless of pressure and one reason why she wants that is because it wouldn't cost any more money. If it all went her way (Mine in a way too), I would've graduated at the level I am now in at this moment instead of doing a level lower first (Which in hindsight was an actual good idea because I can drop out with something to fall back on if push comes to shove) and taking a year longer to be overall finished with school life. If I approach her with it, she either gets pissed at the school or at me and I don't need that shit in any way as she tends to get big league pissed which makes me panic mostly. My girlfriend says I should take a little longer as well, so I gotta see how it will go with money/job arguments/jealousy

Skype: jordiadutchbroski
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