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Jess~ Offline
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Re: Teeth whitening won't work - June 19th 2017, 05:42 AM

i don't know about the gatorade thing, but if you're worried you could always just use straws for it instead, so it doesn't hit the front of your teeth. i'm a coffee addict and that's what i use to combat it staining my teeth.
i tried PlusWhite 5 minute speed whitening gel and it worked pretty well, but it left my teeth and gums super numb and sensitive. so i stopped using it and tried oil pulling. you should definitely google that and see if you'd be interested... it's basically a ~*natural teeth whitening method*~ where you swish coconut oil or some other oil around in your mouth for 20 minutes every morning. there's a lot of mixed feelings of it across the internet, but it worked for me. you won't get blindingly white teeth by any means, but there will be improvement. plus it actually cleans your entire mouth in the process, so you'll have fresher breath too.

i'm out of coconut oil and too broke to buy more, so what i've been using is just any toothpaste that claims to whiten teeth. i literally have like 3 of them that i switch between using every day, and that seems to be helping as well.

i don't know what i'm supposed to do
haunted by the ghost of you
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